Digital Marketing Consulting Services

Looking to hire a digital marketing consultant?

At Growth Strategies 101, we aim to help entrepreneurs, marketers, and organizations that are looking to augment their positions in the digital space with personalized assessments and solutions according to the latest digital marketing trends. 

We do this through a process that includes evaluation, strategy development, and optimization.

Our goal is to provide invaluable insights in various key areas of your digital presence, including website/app UX, SEO, Social Media, online omnipresence, and many others. Social proof is the foundation of our digital marketing strategy.


Our online marketing consultancy philosophy

Human beings are innately wired to copy each other. We make our decisions based on ideas influenced by other people. This concept is what’s known as social proof

If you take a look at the most popular brands in the world, you’ll notice that their success is largely fueled by social proof. 

For example, consumers have become so obsessed with iPhones to an extent that they will take loans just so they can own them. Every time a new model comes out, they immediately want to upgrade (even if they cannot afford to do so). If you closely analyse their obsession with this particular smartphone brand, you’ll notice that it’s not because of its extra-ordinary features, but because of social proof. Owning an iPhone is “cool” and “trendy”, and that overrides everything else. 

Social proof is the driving force behind most of the decisions that we make. It is the backbone of our digital marketing strategy because it’s a force that cannot be stopped. And when you integrate it into your product development and marketing plans, you’ll end up with a brand that’s irresistable to consumers. That’s precisely what we wish to help you accomplish with our digital marketing consultancy. Social proof can fuel your business growth unlike anything else.

Why choose our digital marketing consultacy?

Our experienced consultants will help organize various ideas and concepts, and put the different stages of the project into motion, from the initial brainstorm all the way to execution. 

We believe that a great digital marketing strategy starts by understanding your business and its customers. That’s why we provide strategic consulting services to help you establish your buyer persona, identify what’s currently working, and where there are opportunities for improvement – in order create an actionable plan.

You will have access to a team of digital marketing consultants with all the skills you need for less than what it would cost to hire one full-time employee. From strategic planning and social media management, branding strategies or content writing; we offer variety in all aspects!

With our digital marketing consulting services, you won’t need to worry about changing your headcount. We’ve got it covered! Just give us a call and let’s get started analyzing what needs adjusting on how to best handle this transition together.

Areas we specialize in:

1. Buyer Persona Creation

A buyer persona is a fictional depiction of your business’ most ideal customers. It defines all their characteristics, including their interests, age group, careers, location, etc. Having such a clear understanding of your target audience will help us create laser-focused marketing campaigns with the best possible ROI. Creating a buyer persona is the first step before even deciding which digital channels would be most suitable for your business. 

2. SEO Strategy

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of enhancing a website’s ranking on search engines like Google and Bing. Our digital marketing consultants are well versed with the latest SEO techniques to help your site achieve higher rankings for all relevant keywords.

3. PPC Strategy

PPC, or Pay per Click, is a popular online advertising model in which advertisers only get charged for the clicks to their ads. It’s one of the best ways to create incredibly targeted marketing campaigns. We can help you create a PPC strategy to reach your business’ buyer persona, cost effectively – whether you want to run your campaign on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or any other advertising platform. 

4. Content Strategy

Content marketing has one of the highest ROIs out of all digital marketing strategies. The majority of consumers do some research online prior to buying anything. They want to know everything about a product or service before they can make their purchase decision. 

Our team of digital marketing consultants will help create a comprehensive content marketing plan to help get your brand in front of its target audience, at that very moment they’re researching products or services. We use the following keyword research and analysis tools to create our content plans:

  • SEMrush
  • Keyword Planner
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Moz
  • Surfer SEO

5. Social Media Strategy

Social media marketing is an integral part of success digital marketing campaigns. There’s just no greater medium to drive customer engagement. Once we establish your buyer persona, we’ll  create a custom social media marketing plan for your brand awareness campaign.

6. Email Marketing Strategy

Did you know that the ROI from email campaigns is estimated to be around 4,400 percent? Many businesses neglect it because it seems like an outdated digital strategy. But little do they know.

Our team of digital marketing experts will help you create an automated email campaign that covers all the stages of an effective sales funnel, starting from lead generation (building an email list) all the way to lead nurturing and even conversions. Marketing automation is the way to go in this day and age.

Our digital marketing consultation categories:

1. Free online marketing consultation

This is typically done via email or chat. What you can expect is some basic business advice. You can get started by contacting us and one of our representatives will reach out within 48 hours.

2. Strategy consultation

Strategy consultations can either be done via video call, physical meetings, email, or chat – depending on your preference. They are ideal for businesses that require tailored and strategic solutions to their problems. Use the form below to get in touch with a digital marketing consultant.

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